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IT Support

Reliable home and business support based in Oxford.

We provide IT support to businesses and home customers

Expert IT Support

We pride ourselves on providing expert IT Support that you can rely on in here in Oxford based in Cowley, on the Oxford Road. We provide support for every aspect of your IT needs from servers to workstations, networks and more. Trusted by over 300+ business in Oxford. Check out some of the key services that our remote support team offers.

  • Servers

    We will manage your servers in an organised and reusable way. Rapid deployment of new IT needs and services for your business in mind.

  • Network

    We will design and manage your IT infrastructure and networking needs to be organised within your office, functional and managable.

  • IT Support

    We will assist your colleagues with absolutely any of their IT needs within your organisation. Simple requests to advanced requests, our expert engineers will have you covered.

  • Telephony

    We can provide the topmost functional VOIP services for your business, helping you deliver value to your customers efficiently.

  • Backups

    We will keep all of your data secure with the best solutions currently in the industry, onsite and cloud backup systems are available.

  • Monitoring

    We offer top class monitoring solutions so if any of your IT infrastructure goes down, we'll be the first to know and on the case.

  • Websites

    We offer skilled web engineers to assist you with your website needs, whether it be a new site of management and hosting of your current site.

  • Inventory

    We will monitor your inventory proactively and determine the best hardware and systems for your needs as you grow.

  • Development

    Do you have a new idea for a bespoke system that you'd like to have developed, our remote support team will be able to assist and discus your new developments.

Here when you need us, at a moments notice.

We welcome, small, medium to large businesses and home customers!

We have been providing IT support for customers in Oxford since 1992, supporting over 300 business in Oxford, join us today.

We support computers, smartphones, laptops and more, all remotely.

What are you waiting for, just in touch with our friendly team and start a chat with out service delivery manager today!

Success Story
Paul Vanags
Paul Vanags
Google Reviewer
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These guys are brilliant - really know their stuff + easy and straightforward to deal with. I'm usually able to fix my own computer issues, but this one had me stumped - they diagnosed a faulty HDD and had me back up and running in less than 30 minutes. Fully recommend!
Gillian Fisher
Gillian Fisher
Google Reviewer
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Thank you so much Peter, Aaron and Kevin. From start to finish, advice on the spec of a new PC, modifying it to suit my needs, safely transferring data from a very outdated machine – all done in such a helpful and personable way alongside the necessary expertise and professionalism. I thoroughly enjoyed the process too as you were kind enough and patient enough to give explanations of technical issues so I could understood what was happening and learn. What a team, Reception was always in the loop too - such good communication. I feel very grateful and would highly recommend you for providing such a wonderful service.
Susannah Harris-Wilson
Susannah Harris-Wilson
Google Reviewer
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I presented two old laptops for updating and transmission of material into a new one I had ordered for them to obtain on my behalf. The staff were pleasant and extremely helpful. I am delighted with the products I bought and am confident they will readily respond to any questions I have when using the new computer.